Take The GED Test & Advance Your Career

If you are looking to advance your career and better your life, check out this article on the GED test. Learn tips and tricks that will help you succeed in passing the test!

The GED test is a high school equivalency test that can help you earn a GED diploma and pursue a college education or career. The GED test covers four subject areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts. To pass the GED test, you must score at least 145 out of 200 possible points on each subject area. You can prepare for the GED test by taking GED prep courses, studying on your own, or both. GED prep courses can help you build the skills and knowledge you need to pass the GED test, as well as understand the format of the test and what to expect on test day.

Studying on your own can also be helpful, but it's important to use reputable study materials so that you're studying the right information for the GED test. Whichever way you choose to prepare, make sure you give yourself enough time to study so that you're ready for success on test day.

Best Ways to Prepare

The GED is accepted by many colleges and employers, so it can be a great way to improve your educational credentials. If you're planning on taking the GED, there are a few things you can do to prepare.
  • One of the best ways to prepare for the GED is to take an online course. There are many different courses available, so you can find one that fits your needs and schedule. Most courses will provide you with all the study materials you need, as well as practice tests so you can get a feel for the exam.

  • Another great way to prepare for the GED is to use study materials specifically designed for the GED. These materials can be found online or in textbooks. Practice tests are also available to help you gauge your progress and identify any areas where you need more review.

Taking the GED can open up new opportunities, so it's important to do whatever you can to prepare. By using online courses, study materials, and practice tests, you can increase your chances of success on the exam.

Requirements to Take the Test & Next Steps

To take the GED test, you must be at least 18 years old and not enrolled in high school. You'll need to provide a government-issued photo ID, like a driver's license, as well as payment for the test. The GED test is comprised of four sections: Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Social Studies, Science, and Math. You can take the sections individually or all at once. The GED test is administered on computer at authorized testing centers around the world. To find a testing center near you, visit the GED website

Alternatively, you could search for adult education centers, technical and community colleges, and some high schools near you that could offer the GED test. Many states also offer GED testing online. The GED test must be taken in person and cannot be taken online. To find a GED testing center near you, visit the GED website and enter your zip code into the search tool. You will then be given a list of GED testing centers in your area. Once you have found a GED testing center, you will need to create an account on the GED website and register for the test. You will also need to pay a fee to take the GED test. The fee varies from state to state but is typically around $30. Some states offer fee waivers for low-income students. To find out if your state offers fee waivers, visit the GED website and select your state from the drop-down menu.

Top 5 GED Study Programs Online

GED preparation courses are designed to help students succeed on the GED test. There are a variety of GED prep courses and classes available online, and it can be difficult to determine which ones are the best. To make the decision easier, here are five of the top GED prep courses and classes available online: 

  • The GED Academy is an online GED prep course that offers individualized instruction and practice tests. 

  • Kaplan GED Prep is an online course that provides students with customized study plans and practice tests. 

  • GEDtestingservice.com offers official GED practice tests and a GED study guide. 

  • The Princeton Review offers an online GED prep course that includes full-length practice tests. 

  • ExamPAL offers an adaptive GED prep course that adjusts to the student's individual needs. 

Choosing the right GED prep course or class is an important decision, but with so many great options available online, there is sure to be a program that is perfect for you.